Unleashing creativity

An innovative solution for Shepparton’s artists

REVOLUTIONARY. That’s the first word that comes to mind when hearing Stuart Gowty and Tank talk about plans for the Creative Hub initiative in Shepparton. An exciting new, not-for-profit project aiming to support and nurture the region’s blossoming creative talent.

The ambitious plan envisioned by local artists comes as a response to a glaring issue; “The problem that we have in this region is there’s nowhere for these people to go, there’s nowhere for them to work, there’s nowhere for them to collaborate or do anything like that”, Tank expresses with passion. Shedding light on the creative struggle in Shepparton, he asks, “What about the creatives?”

This new venture promises an answer to Tank’s probing question through creating a collaborative space for artists run by artists. From professionals to amateurs, or anyone simply drawn to the arts, the hub will serve as a sanctuary for all. He envisions it as a fostering ground for ideas, offering opportunities for artists to rent space, collaborate on their works, and sell their creations.

Gowty’s energy is palpable when he speaks of moments of creativity he’s witnessed, “I see it all the time. Tank comes in and Tom Day’s here, the two of them, they just start chatting and you can see this glint in their eyes… They come up with this idea… they’re experimenting and they’re having fun and creating. That sort of thing is what the creatives need.”

The Creative Hub aims to be more than just a workspace. Positioned as a linchpin for artists, it will connect them with relevant support systems including grant assistance, and potentially even consumer markets. “We want to just try and help and foster the creative community that is here. And it is incredible. It is absolutely incredible”, attests Gowty.

However, the Creative Hub’s operations are not exclusive to seasoned veterans. Encouraging the emergence of nascent talent is an integral part of the initiative. Tank points out, “What else we’ve got is a whole heap of very talented people coming through the system that just don’t know what to do.”

The Creative Hub is not just an ambitious project, but a heartfelt plea for acknowledging, supporting, and uplifting Shepparton’s thriving arts community. As Stuart Gowty profoundly states, “It’s screaming out for it.” This venture is a beacon of hope for an enriching cultural evolution, with an aim to weave a vibrant creative tapestry that makes Shepparton’s talent shine brighter than ever before.