Turtles on the move across the Goulburn Valley

ON THE MOVE...Turtles may be seen plodding along our roads over the next two months as the turn in the weather has them seeking lakes and wetlands to look for safe sites to lay their eggs. Photo: Supplied

TURTLES may be seen plodding along our roads over the next two months as the turn in the weather has them seeking lakes and wetlands to look for safe sites to lay their eggs.

Council’s RiverConnect staff are working to protect any turtle nests from predators around the region. RiverConnect Project Officer, Alison White, said the team often use mesh covers to protect nesting turtles who are at risk of predators.

ON THE MOVE…Turtles may be seen plodding along our roads over the next two months as the turn in the weather has them seeking lakes and wetlands to look for safe sites to lay their eggs. Photo: Supplied

“Three species of freshwater turtle live in Greater Shepparton, the Eastern Long-Necked, Broad-Shelled and Murray River. Nesting for these turtles typically occurs around November and December, during or after a rain event,” she said.

“Turtles will travel long distances to lay their eggs and are most active early in the mornings. Unfortunately, it is known that foxes prey on about 95 per cent of freshwater turtle nests.”

If you find a nesting turtle record the exact location, take a photo and contact RiverConnect on (03) 5832 9700 or riverconnect@shepparton.vic.gov.au to arrange for the nest to be protected. If you find turtle eggs leave them and report the location to Wildlife Victoria on (03) 8400 7300.