Thought-provoking books that lead us from the sidelines

AUTHOR TALK AT SHEPPARTON LIBRARY... Karen Viggers shared an insight into her latest book, Sidelines, at the Shepparton Library last week. The brilliant book holds a mirror up to kids' sport and the drama that unfolds on and off the field. From left, Karen Viggers signed copies of Sidelines for Rien Silverstein, Maree Schneider, and Jenny Kneebone Photo: Aaron Cordy

By Aaron Cordy

BOOKS that leave a lasting impression can be the quiet ones we don’t see coming. Books that challenge ideas, shine a light on a topic we don’t always want to examine can be thought-provoking and insightful in ways not obvious on the surface, and stay with us longer than imagined.

Karen Viggers shared an insight into her latest book, Sidelines, at the Shepparton Library last week. The book delves into the world of suburban school-age sport and the ugly side of parents who want the best for their children but miss the mark and get lost in their own faded dreams and ambitions.

A self-confessed soccer mum for 14 years Karen knows that of side sport.

“Standing on the sidelines watching my own kids play and referee soccer I saw some interesting behaviour in that time, and I think I got at times a bit over-invested myself,” said Karen.

AUTHOR TALK AT SHEPPARTON LIBRARY… Karen Viggers shared an insight into her latest book, Sidelines, at the Shepparton Library last week. The brilliant book holds a mirror up to kids’ sport and the drama that unfolds on and off the field. From left, Karen Viggers signed copies of Sidelines for Rien Silverstein, Maree Schneider, and Jenny Kneebone Photo: Aaron Cordy

“It’s easy to get carried away. You think you are supporting your kids, and you can get a bit too enthusiastic and a bit embarrassing sometimes. But it can also put your kids off if you’re getting a bit over the top like that.”

“The other thing that triggered me to write this book was that a brawl broke out at an under twelves kids’ game in Canberra and my daughter could have been on one of those teams… but she had an injury and missed out on selection, thank goodness.”

While the issues addressed in the book centre around soccer, it is not only a soccer or sport phenomenon, as it gets harder for parents to navigate this everchanging and more complex world while as they try to raise their children with the best of intentions.

You can find copies of Sidelines and more of Karen’s books at the Library or Collins Booksellers. Learn more about this fantastic writer via her social media, or check out her podcast, Secrets from the Greenroom.

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