Spring to-do list for lawn care

A LITTLE WORK IN SPRING... is all that is required to ensure your lawns reach their peak health in summer. Photo: Supplied

AS winter fades and warmer weather approaches, it’s the perfect time to give your lawn the care it needs to thrive this spring. Follow these key steps to ensure your lawn reaches its peak health for the summer.

1. Check Soil pH: Use a soil testing kit or probe to measure your lawn’s pH level. The ideal pH for a thriving lawn is 6.5. If needed, adjust the pH to ensure your grass receives the essential nutrients for optimal growth.

2. Aerate Your Lawn: Enhance air, water, and nutrient absorption by aerating your lawn. Use a garden fork or mechanical aerator before applying fertiliser to improve soil health and promote vigorous growth.

3. Apply Fertiliser: Boost new growth and develop strong roots by applying a balanced fertiliser. This will help your lawn establish a robust foundation as the weather warms up.

4. Eliminate Weeds: Remove weeds to prevent them from competing with your grass for nutrients and water. Keeping your lawn weed-free will support a healthier, more vibrant appearance.

5. Water Appropriately: Typically, spring rainfall is sufficient, so limit additional watering. If the weather turns dry, increase your watering but focus on deep, infrequent applications to encourage strong, deep root growth.

A LITTLE WORK IN SPRING… is all that is required to ensure your lawns reach their peak health in summer. Photo: Supplied