Small businesses doing it tough in regional Victoria

ADDRESSING PARLIAMENT... Federal Member for Nicholls, Sam Birrell MP gave a speech in Parliament about the issues facing small businesses in the region. Photo: Supplied

Private sector competing with public sector

FEDERAL Member for Nicholls, Sam Birrell MP gave a speech in Parliament last week to address the issues facing small businesses in the region.

“It’s often been said that small business is the engine room of the economy. That’s true. We could have a discussion about why that is,” said Mr Birrell.

“…The tragedy in Australia at the moment is that small business insolvencies are up, and that’s not good for Australia. Let’s have a think about why small-business insolvencies are up. I’m sure all of us are talking to our small-business communities. They are telling us that they’re finding business very hard at the moment. We’ve got an inflationary environment, and that’s making things tough. Input costs are up. One of the causes of this is government spending, and there’s lower overall productivity in the economy. There’s an expanded public sector taking key workers away from private enterprise. Input costs are up, especially energy. Gas and electricity are more expensive. Insurance is more expensive. In many cases, the infrastructure is not keeping up. The road network is not doing what it needs to do to make sure small business, particularly in my area, can get its produce to where it needs to go.

ADDRESSING PARLIAMENT… Federal Member for Nicholls, Sam Birrell MP gave a speech in Parliament about the issues facing small businesses in the region. Photo: Supplied

“One of the things that is really frustrating the small businesses that I talk to is the industrial relations changes. The small businesses I talk to are really worried about the regulatory burden that this is going to put upon them. It’s easier for a corporation to deal with that. They’ve got a huge HR department, and they can try and work through the morass of extra legislation that exists as a result of the new government. Put yourself in the shoes of a small business that’s got to try and work through all of that. It’s really hard. They can’t afford to hire big costly HR departments, so they’ve often got to be up really late doing that themselves. Also, flexibility is reduced with these new IR laws, particularly in relation to casual employees. That really hurts small businesses, who need that flexibility.

“…We’re so risk averse, as a society, We’re also worried about what the government’s going to do to us, even if we make an innocent mistake. We spend so much on self-regulation now that it’s tying us up in knots. It kills productivity. Productivity lifts profitability, and that lifts everyone’s living standards. The policies we have seen from this government are not supporting that aim.”