Shepparton Access celebrates inclusion, awareness and community

PROUD PERFORMANCE... Shepparton Access participants came together at The Woolshed for their International Day of People with Disability annual celebration. Pictured from left are performers on the day, Matilda Paul, Daniel Skinner, Ella Kerrins, Danika Andrinaco, Lucy Sullivan, Samuel Harmes. Photo: Deanne Jeffers

PARTICIPANTS, volunteers and their families and caregivers came together at The Woolshed on Monday, December 12, for their annual celebration of International Day of People with Disability (IDPwD).

Around 4.4M people in Australia, or 1 in 6 Australians, have a disability. IDPwD is marked yearly to increase understanding, public awareness and acceptance of people living with disability.

A group of Shepparton Access participants performed a thrilling production of Singing in the Rain. There were also heaps of activities for eventgoers, such a temporary tattoo counter, a pop-up popcorn stall and games.

PROUD PERFORMANCE… Shepparton Access participants came together at The Woolshed for their International Day of People with Disability annual celebration. Pictured from left are performers on the day, Matilda Paul, Daniel Skinner, Ella Kerrins, Danika Andrinaco, Lucy Sullivan, Samuel Harmes. Photo: Deanne Jeffers

A representative from the I CAN Network, Australia’s largest provider of Autistic-led group mentoring programs, training and consultancy for young people, was the guest speaker.

Shepparton Access is a local innovative day-service that uses flexible and evidence-based solutions to foster equality and to improve outcomes for those living with a disability by connecting them to community.

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