Securing the Goulburn Valley’s future:

WELCOME... Eugenie Stragalinos, chair of Destination Goulburn Valley, welcomed attendees for what was a thought-provoking day at the summit. Photo: Deanne Jeffers

Regional summit unites thought leaders with local business leaders

By Deanne Jeffers

HOW can we leverage our region’s advantages, overcome barriers and draw more people to the region to work, live and play? Answering these challenges is the secret to retaining and attracting staff, growing businesses and making our patch a destination for both visitors and those looking to put down roots, propelling the Goulburn Valley into a future of growth and economic stability.

Destination Goulburn Valley (DGV) is the region’s peak body seeking to solve these questions by uniting businesses, policymakers and leveraging our region’s unique qualities. Their recent summit, Building Momentum for our Future, brought together keynote speakers and industry professionals to share knowledge and to network.

DGV chair, Eugenie Stragalinos said the summit, which is the first of its kind in the region, was a success.

“Building Momentum for our Future was a brilliant opportunity for local business leaders to connect and network with thought leaders, industry experts and fellow local businesses to explore growth opportunities for both their business and the region’s shared visitor economy,” Eugenie said.

WELCOME… Eugenie Stragalinos, chair of Destination Goulburn Valley, welcomed attendees for what was a thought-provoking day at the summit. Photo: Deanne Jeffers

The summit was a day of learning and an opportunity to connect with businesses and other bodies that will support the region and businesses to thrive.

Simon Keustenmacher, co-founder of The Demographics Group, shared thought-provoking insights into demographics and opportunities to harness new groups by investing in housing, local jobs, education and entertainment.

Guests also heard about challenges and lessons learned from Megan Williams, co-founder of Camel Milk Co, and a range of tourism bodies and supports including Alysia Brandenburg (Tourism and Experience Economy), Kristy Malapa (Tourism Australia), Grace Maynard (Austrade), Chantelle Khan (Victorian Tourism Industry Council), Charles Deuchrass (Visit Victoria), and Vickie Scott (DGV executive officer).

The event was MC’d by national award-winning journalist Karen O’Sullivan and provided ample time amongst the speakers to network and share ideas, inspiring collaboration between local groups.

As Mr Keustenmacher aptly put it, “To have a successful business in the region, you need to have a successful region.”