School concerts to celebrate another year

THRILLING ZOMBIES... Melah Sular, Lylah Megee-McCabe, Lexi Cordy and Macie Chapman of Orrvale Primary School were at their scary best for the end of year school concert. Photos: Aaron Cordy

By Aaron Cordy

SINGING and dancing will echo through schoolyards and halls across the region with end of year concerts in full swing. The students have been buzzing with anticipation to don their costumes and perform in front of their families and their schoolmates on nights made for fun and laughter.

THRILLING ZOMBIES… Melah Sular, Lylah Megee-McCabe, Lexi Cordy and Macie Chapman of Orrvale Primary School were at their scary best for the end of year school concert. Photos: Aaron Cordy

The concerts vary from one school to another, but the general theme of fun and end of year celebration is sprinkled right across the lot. For the grade 6s it is a fun way to say goodbye to the school that has been a big part of their lives for seven years.

While there are naturals who shine on the stages from Foundation up to Grade 6, even the most nervous of youngsters walk away with a massive smile after the night. The nights come together after lots of planning and hard work from teachers, students and parents and are truly a great way to send off another school year.