Saluting the contribution of women in business across the region

SALUTING THE REGION'S WOMEN IN BUSINESS... Reflecting upon her own journey of hard work, endeavour and success, State Member for Northern Victoria, Wendy Lovell MP takes an opportunity to acknowledge the significant achievements of the many women in business throughout the region. Photo: Supplied

My heartfelt congratulations to The Shepparton Adviser for spotlighting the extraordinary achievements of the remarkable women in business throughout our community.

Their stories and successes are truly inspiring and deserve our greatest recognition.

As I reflect on my career in business and politics, I am filled with a profound sense of pride and joy. Being part of Lovell’s Shepparton Newsagency—a long-standing and successful local business, has been a source of immense satisfaction to me.

My journey began in the world of small business, and I was fortunate to engage deeply with community initiatives through organisations such as Rotaract, Friends of GVBH, and the Fairley Leadership Program.

SALUTING THE REGION’S WOMEN IN BUSINESS… Reflecting upon her own journey of hard work, endeavour and success, State Member for Northern Victoria, Wendy Lovell MP takes an opportunity to acknowledge the significant achievements of the many women in business throughout the region. Photo: Supplied

My involvement with Rotaract was transformative, fueling my commitment to community service and guiding me toward a career in public service as a member of the Victorian Parliament.

Serving as your Member of Parliament for over two decades has been a tremendous honour. The trust and support from this vibrant community have been invaluable, allowing me to make meaningful contributions to Northern Victoria.

In my roles as Minister for Housing and Minister for Early Childhood, I was privileged to introduce impactful programs like the Education First Youth Foyer Program and to drive advancements in Early Childhood Education.

Our region is graced with many exceptional female leaders who make significant strides in politics, business, and community service.

I pay tribute to these outstanding women and am confident that the future will bring even more inspiring female leaders.