Safety concerns for local bridge

CALL FOR ACTION... Member for Northern Victoria Rikkie-Lee Tyrrell has called on the State Government to upgrade the bridge that crosses the Waranga Basin Western Channel on the Rushworth-Tatura Road due to several near-misses and collisions at the site. Photo: Supplied

THERE are calls to upgrade the single-lane bridge that crosses Waranga Basin Western Channel on Rushworth-Tatura Road, which has been the site of several collisions and near-misses, including a fatal collision in 2023.

Member for Northern Victoria Rikkie-Lee Tyrrell said the bridge sits atop the gates connecting the Basin to the channel and has needed an upgrade or replacement for decades.

She has called on the Minister for Roads and Road Safety, Melissa Horne, to consult the community to find solutions to make the bridge safer for all road users.

CALL FOR ACTION… Member for Northern Victoria Rikkie-Lee Tyrrell has called on the State Government to upgrade the bridge that crosses the Waranga Basin Western Channel on the Rushworth-Tatura Road due to several near-misses and collisions at the site. Photo: Supplied

“The bridge crossing the Western Channel on the Rushworth-Tatura Road carries cars, trucks, school buses and even bicycles every day and drivers are forced to navigate oncoming traffic on the single-lane carriageway,” Mrs Tyrrell said. “Worse still, drivers’ visibility is often hampered by fog, heavy rain, and the design of the roads approaching the bridge making the need for an immediate upgrade of the bridge even more critical.”

Tyrrell said despite the State Government lowering the speed limit on the bridge to 30km/h, the dangers for users of the bridge remain and the local community wants action.

“My constituents have contacted me with their concerns about the safety of the bridge, including a broken road surface and flimsy guard rails and Labor needs to hear these concerns,” Tyrrell said. “That is why I have asked Minister Horne to consult the local community to find solutions to make the bridge safer for all road users.”