Rod Schubert committed to localised representation in Midland Ward

COUNCIL ELECTIONS... Rod Schubert has nominated to run in the Midland Ward in the upcoming Local Government Elections. He believes it is important to have a councillor focussing on these rapidly growing towns and a voice representing part of the rural sector of the council. Photo: Deanne Jeffers

TATURA’S Rod Schubert has announced his candidacy for the Midland Ward in the 2024 Greater Shepparton Local Government Elections, emphasising the need for strong representation of rural communities. The Midland Ward includes the growing towns of Tatura, Merrigum, Harston and surrounding agricultural areas. Rod believes that these communities are vital to Greater Shepparton and need a dedicated voice in Council to address local issues effectively.

Rod supports the new ward system, stating it allows for more localised representation, making Councillors more accessible and responsive to community needs. He points out that current Shepparton-centric policies have often overlooked rural concerns. Rod highlights the disparity in revenue and expenditure in Tatura, with local towns paying significantly more in rates than they receive in Council spending. He aims to address this imbalance by advocating for fair distribution of resources and ensuring that infrastructure and community needs are met.

COUNCIL ELECTIONS… Rod Schubert has nominated to run in the Midland Ward in the upcoming Local Government Elections. He believes it is important to have a councillor focussing on these rapidly growing towns and a voice representing part of the rural sector of the council. Photo: Deanne Jeffers

Some particular issues Rod has highlighted that are affecting Midland Ward communities are town planning and industrial development, the unsafe Tatura Skatepark, roads and pedestrian crossings.

With over 42 years of business experience and a strong background in local government and community service, Rod is committed to providing dedicated representation for the Midland Ward, focusing on enhancing the rural sector’s role within Greater Shepparton.