Elevating inclusivity, are you able to help?

ADVOCATING FOR INCLUSIVITY... Remarkable local, Tom Cummins (pictured) is determined to improve accessibility options for mobility aids users to local, community events. Tirelessly lobbying for an elevated stand to add both comfort and safety for people with impairments, Tom has been able to harness support from Council and local business for his ingenious TC Stand. With the guidance and support of NDIS provider, are-able, Tom's vision is close to becoming a reality but he needs your help. Photo: Deanne Jeffers

REMARKABLE, inspiring and tenacious, Tom Cummins is an individual who knows only too well the challenges of living with limited mobility due to a debilitating and rare genetic disorder known as Pura Syndrome. A well-known local, Tom has dedicated his post-school years to enabling people with mobility aids, such as himself, to access local community events with greater comfort and safety.

Harnessing the support of are-able as a participant in the NDIS provider’s School Leavers Employment Support Program (SLES), Tom took his advocacy to the local council’s Music, Arts and Culture committee, where he called for an elevated platform to be hired at up-coming community events, to ensure those with mobility aids greater access.

With the suggestion falling flat due to a lack of funding, Tom did what all ardent, community minded advocates do, he got even more determined!

ADVOCATING FOR INCLUSIVITY… Remarkable local, Tom Cummins (pictured) is determined to improve accessibility options for mobility aids users to local, community events. Tirelessly lobbying for an elevated stand to add both comfort and safety for people with impairments, Tom has been able to harness support from Council and local business for his ingenious TC Stand. With the guidance and support of NDIS provider, are-able, Tom’s vision is close to becoming a reality but he needs your help. Photo: Deanne Jeffers

Guided and assisted by SLES, Tom met with local business, Sibweld to forge into reality his own idea for an elevated platform, complete with custom marquee, trailer and attachable ramp. Aptly named the TC Stand, Tom’s vision was soon drafted into fruition.

Meeting next with Greater Shepparton City Council, it wasn’t long before Tom acquired the support he needed. With Council pleased to manage and monitor the TC Stand once built, local businesses such as Frontline Trays & Trailers and Bicknell Signs (to name a few) jumped right in in to help get the TC Stand well and truly off the ground.

Having raised just over $11K to date, Tom’s tireless efforts, however, still need your support. If you would like to make a donation and/or find out more about Tom’s story and vision, please head to https://shoutforgood.com/fundraisers/tomcumminsstand.