Creating love out of loss

CREATING LOVE FROM LOSS... For Cheryl Keep, the loss of her son Blake in November 2021 to suicide, left her in pieces and found no comfort in counselling, so Cheryl began making candles. Photo: Aaron Cordy

By Aaron Cordy

GRIEF can take a toll on even the best of us. The loss of loved ones can leave so much uncertainty while piling on “survivor’s guilt.” Compassion and understanding can be hard to find when the one we grieve has taken their own life.

For Cheryl Keep, the loss of her son Blake in November 2021 to suicide, left her in pieces and she found no comfort from counselling. After a discussion with her doctor, it was suggested she do something physical to help with the grief, so Cheryl began making candles.

CREATING LOVE FROM LOSS… For Cheryl Keep, the loss of her son Blake in November 2021 to suicide, left her in pieces and found no comfort in counselling, so Cheryl began making candles. Photo: Aaron Cordy

The result led to BC Candles. Personalised Memorial Candles and Blake’s Purple Hearts, with an emphasis on creating love out of loss and bringing it straight to your hearts. Cheryl donates $8 out of every $10 she makes to charity. With more than $1000 donated to the Black Dog Institute. The proceeds of the next batch of candles will go to Neffy’s Walk, Let’s Talk. Which will be held on Saturday, November 18, at Victoria Park Lake.

“I want to keep Blake’s memory alive, and help others with a sense of comfort,” said Cheryl.

You can find BC Candles on Facebook. Along with Neffy’s Walk, Let’s Talk.