CEO’s Message Seniors Festival 2024 program

A MONTH OF ACTIVITIES... Greater Shepparton City Council CEO Fiona Le Gassick invites residents to take part in events happening during the October Victorian Senior's Festival. Photo: Supplied

WELCOME to the Victorian Seniors Festival 2024 Program Guide for Greater Shepparton. The Festival offers a huge month-long program full of free or low cost events and activities across our region.

Greater Shepparton City Council continues to be excited to be part of this annual event that brings our senior residents together to share stories, be entertained, learn new skills and ignite the festival’s celebratory spirit.

The festival provides a key opportunity to recognise and celebrate a new era of ageing. Seniors represent 25 per cent of our population, who continue to actively contribute to our community in a variety of different ways such as in leadership and volunteering roles, as entrepreneurs, carers and sharing their wisdom and lifelong learnings with others. Your vital contribution needs to be recognised and appreciated, and the Victorian Seniors Festival is one way in which we do this.

A MONTH OF ACTIVITIES… Greater Shepparton City Council CEO Fiona Le Gassick invites residents to take part in events happening during the October Victorian Senior’s Festival. Photo: Supplied

This year’s Festival theme of ‘Explore. Engage. Evolve’ encourages the more mature members of our community to stay curious and connected by exploring new activities, meeting new people and changing how we perceive ageing.

We hope that you make the most of what is on offer whether it’s Tai Chi, having a chat with Author Kim McCosker regarding her most popular recipes, enhancing your digital savviness or enjoying some down time catching a movie at the Shepparton Library.

I hope that you have a wonderful Festival and make the most of spending time with your friends as well as making new ones.


Fiona Le Gassick

Greater Shepparton City Council CEO