Building confidence, one woman at a time

SUPPORTING WOMEN... Fernwood Fitness Shepparton is an all-female gym, addressing the unique barriers women face to becoming fitter and more confident. Pictured are Fernwood Shepparton team members Simone May, Tahneesha Ritchie, Carly Hogben, business owner Danni Whitaker, Ally Clarke, Grace Gladman. Photo: Deanne Jeffers

IN A world where women juggle multiple roles, finding a space solely dedicated to their wellbeing can be transformative.

Fernwood Shepparton, led by owner Danni Whitaker, embodies empowerment and transformation. Danni and her teams’ commitment to creating a supportive space has turned Fernwood into more than just a gym, it’s a lifeline for strength, confidence, and community.

“I think it’s about creating a safe environment. There’s really no judgment,” Danni said, reflecting on the ethos of Fernwood. Her dedication to fostering inclusivity and acceptance resonates throughout the fitness centre, where every woman is welcomed with open arms.

SUPPORTING WOMEN… Fernwood Fitness Shepparton is an all-female gym, addressing the unique barriers women face to becoming fitter and more confident. Pictured are Fernwood Shepparton team members Simone May, Tahneesha Ritchie, Carly Hogben, business owner Danni Whitaker, Ally Clarke, Grace Gladman. Photo: Deanne Jeffers

“For me, personally, I just love what it does for women, in terms of health benefits and confidence,” Danni shared. “We all come in different shapes and sizes, and we’re all in different parts of our lives. And so, we really need to appreciate who’s standing in front of us.”

Fernwood’s mission is to enhance physical fitness and nurture holistic wellbeing. From personalised training sessions to wellness offerings, every aspect supports women on their journey to self-improvement.

“If you’re feeling nervous, or a little bit unsure, just remember there’s been plenty of ladies that come through the door feeling exactly the same. We’re here to support you…We understand exercise can be hard,” Danni reassured.

Danni’s impact extends beyond the gym as she mentors the next generation of female staff.

“If we can make the smallest difference to somebody’s life, that’s really rewarding,” Danni said. “I really enjoy supporting my staff and clients, wherever they’re at in life.”

So, whether you’re a seasoned fitness enthusiast or taking the first steps on your wellness journey, Fernwood invites you to join a community where every woman shines bright.