Shepparton front and centre in Canberra

SHOWING GOVERNMENT REGION WORTH INVESTING IN… From left, Committee for Greater Shepparton chair, Rob Priestly speaking with former Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull during a visit to Canberra by a cohort of about 18 local representatives last week. Photo: Supplied.
SHOWING GOVERNMENT REGION WORTH INVESTING IN… From left, Committee for Greater Shepparton chair, Rob Priestly speaking with former Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull during a visit to Canberra by a cohort of about 18 local representatives last week. Photo: Supplied.

A COHORT of representatives from the Committee for Greater Shepparton, Greater Shepparton City Council, the Lighthouse Project, Kaiela Institute and business and education delegates took Shepparton to Canberra last week to help see that the region is front and centre. The group of about 18 met with senior members of government to deliver positive messages of Greater Shepparton’s growth and vibrancy and to ensure parliament knows that Shepparton is the regional centre to be investing in.

Committee for Greater Shepparton CEO, Sam Birrell said, “The trip was about getting a delegation of community leaders from Greater Shepparton to meet with ministers in Canberra and it was something we had been planning for quite a while.

“We had the chance to meet with the now former Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull and former Deputy Prime Minister, the Agriculture and Water Minister, Education Minister and Regional Development Minister, which was good to have had the chance to talk about our specific issues with.

“We spoke with them about some major infrastructure projects that Shepparton needs including the fast rail, Shepparton Bypass, La Trobe University expansion as well as discussing the finer points and technicalities around the Murray Darling Basin Plan. We also spoke about Indigenous affairs and Shepparton’s attempt to close the gap.

“I thought that it went really well. Mr Turnbull was engaged and interested in what we were doing even though he was preoccupied with some of the issues of his own. It would have been good to present to a Prime Minister who was to have some more time in the job.

“It was terrific to put our vision of what Greater Shepparton could be to the ministers. I think we presented quite a united front and showed that Shepparton has a united leadership that has a shared vision for the future of the region.”

Following the visit, Federal Member for Murray, The Hon Damian Drum took to Facebook to share his pride in the region.

“It was my pleasure to host the Committee for Greater Shepparton in parliament. Our mission was to share our vision with senior government ministers. I’m proud to come from the Goulburn Valley and proud to put our great city in the national spotlight,” Mr Drum said.