Don’t forget to pay

THE complimentary parking period, which began in December, will finish up tomorrow and paid parking will apply from February 1, 2024 in all council-owned, on-street parking spaces.

From tomorrow, you risk being fined if you have not paid for parking or if you do not adhere to the displayed time limits.

PAY TO STAY… The annual free parking period offered by Greater Shepparton City Council will finish on February 1. Photo: The Shepparton Adviser

Motorists should also be aware that students are going back to school this week and reduced-speed limits are being enforced to keep kids safe on their way to and from school. In most cases, time-based school zones operate between 8-9.30am and 2.30-4pm on weekdays during school terms, except on public holidays.

Take care when driving around schools, particularly when students may be present during school times and if you plan on parking in the Shepparton CBD, remember to pay and don’t risk a fine.

For more information, including a map of parking areas, please visit