99 years young

KATAMATITE LARKING CELEBRATES... Tom Charters celebrated his 99th birthday last week at the Barooga Hotel with his friend Lisa on the left and daughter Paula on the right. Photo: Supplied

By Aaron Cordy

THE wisps of time trickle through the years on this magical journey we call life, filling us with experiences of love and loss, highs and lows while we try to make the most of our days on this magnificent earth. Katamatite larking, Tom Charters, has certainly filled his 99 years of life to the brim.

KATAMATITE LARKING CELEBRATES… Tom Charters celebrated his 99th birthday last week at the Barooga Hotel with his friend Lisa on the left and daughter Paula on the right. Photo: Supplied

Born on Friday, November 1, 1924, Tom celebrated his 99th birthday last week at the Barooga Hotel with his daughter Paula, and friend Lisa. Quick to laugh and known for a cheeky joke, Tom spent five years in the Navy during WW2 on board the HMAS Latrobe as an anti-aircraft gunner, before joining the police force, to which he dedicated another 13 years of his life.

Father to four, grandfather six, and great-grandfather to five, with two more precious little buns in the oven. Tom loved playing Bridge, dancing and getting out and about in the community until his failing eyesight meant he had to give up driving at the incredible age of 95.

Happy birthday Tom, we wish you many more.