Fire season brings newheavy tankers and compliance from Council

NEW HEAVY TANKERS ON THE WAY FOR SHEPPARTON AND TATURA... State-of-the-art tankers are set to replace single-cab tankers as part of the CFA rollout which began last year, funded by the Victorian Government's $126M Capability Funding package. Photo: Supplied

THE combination of recent hot weather and heavy rainfall has given rise to rapid grass growth around the region initiating the Greater Shepparton City Council to issue a clear-cut reminder to landowners to reduce fine fuels on vacant land, including long grass and weeds.

Stating that while fire breaks in rural areas assist in reducing the intensity of fire if it occurs, Council’s director of sustainable development, Geraldine Christou added, “Everyone needs to be aware of their responsibilities to maintain their properties, particularly those in areas where grass fires can quickly take hold.”

Aside from abating the risk of fire to own property as well as nearby homes, cutting and clearing fine fuels reduces the risk of snakes and prevents Council from having to issue a Notice to Comply or a Fire Prevention Notice to neglectful landowners.

NEW HEAVY TANKERS ON THE WAY FOR SHEPPARTON AND TATURA… State-of-the-art tankers are set to replace single-cab tankers as part of the CFA rollout which began last year, funded by the Victorian Government’s $126M Capability Funding package. Photo: Supplied

As the fire danger period continues, Shepparton and Tatura CFA brigades are set to receive new heavy tankers as a part of the final phase of the CFA rollout, which began last year, through the Victorian Government’s $126M CFA Capability Funding package.

The heavy tankers will replace single-cab tankers and allow a full crew to sit within the cabin.

CFA chief officer, Jason Heffernan said, “These new tankers are state-of-the-art firefighting vehicles.

“The heavy tankers feature a 15t crew-cab chassis with a 4,000L water tank, while their 4×4 capability and automatic transmission will help crews access fires in difficult terrain.”

The heavy tankers will be delivered to selected brigades, including Shepparton and Tatura while the full rollout will be completed by late 2023.

Vacant blocks with excessive grass and fine fuels can be reported to Council via email at or contact Council on 5832 9700.