$12.2M investment ‘game changer’ for local orchard

STRATEGIC SORTING... The 'GeoSorter' uses water to move fruit into unique grades and can sort 15-20 tonnes an hour at Plunkett's Orchards, Ardmona, says Greefa export manager Dick Van De Kop, pictured with part of the system. Photo: Deanne Jeffers.

PLUNKETT’S Orchards have seen huge growth in jobs and fruit production after a $12.2M capital upgrade at their Ardmona site.

The massive project has seen a new warehouse that measures around 12,000sqm constructed to house a game-changing apple and pear packing facility that Plunkett Orchard’s general manager, Andrew Plunkett, says has “doubled output.”

“It’s been great to have the whole thing done locally,” he said at the unveiling last week. “We’ve had new staff join because of this investment, and existing staff are getting new experience. Overall, this means more secure jobs.”

The elaborate ‘GeoSort’ machine supplied by Greefa, uses water to move fruit through the sorting process gently and special AI technology to learn about the fruit, which is then sorted into upwards of 45 channels based on internal and external attributes that are ready to be packaged.

While saving producers time in pre-sorting and increasing the Goulburn Valley’s international competitiveness, the machine can sort 15-20 tonnes an hour and requires only around five operators, according to Greefa export manager, Dick Van De Kop, reducing the impact of staff shortages.

At the unveiling, Federal Member for Nicholls, Damian Drum, said the Government contributed $1.05M to the project via the ‘Regional Jobs and Investment Package.’ The remainder was funded by the fourth-generation family company.

The Goulburn Valley was one of 10 regions nationally selected for the Regional Jobs and Investment Package. It has invested in a range of projects like MOVE Museum, the Dookie Rail Trail, and more.

Nationals’ candidate for Nicholls, Sam Birrell, was also in attendance last week. Sam chaired a panel that gave strategic focus to the funding under this package during his time as CEO for Committee for Greater Shepparton.